About us

Knowledge Link Intercultural School (KLIS) offers an internationally-recognised standard of education to students from the ages of 6 – 12 years old at our new school in Sentul.
Built on a strong foundation of intrinsic Islamic principles, we strive to provide holistic education, which will help our students find their identity, meaning and purpose in life through the community and humanitarian values such as compassion and empathy.
At KLIS, we believe our integrated curriculum offers Muslim students the absolute best of both worlds. Primary students will follow the esteemed Cambridge International syllabus with Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests used as the assessment benchmark.
Whilst, the majority of the students at KLIS are Muslims, our schools are truly intercultural which means that families of any nationality, race or religion are welcome to join us. This universal approach to teaching and learning is part of part of our school’s focus on raising internationally-minded students who are confident in themselves, inquisitive in their studies and caring to other.
Furthermore, the ethos of KLIS is ‘community’, both inside and outside of the classroom. This is promoted through extra-curricular activities such as sports, swimming, music, tahfidz, and the performing arts to name a few. There are also study trips, school outings and community projects. Parent involvement is another area of focus which we believe makes us stand out. KLIS is not just our school – it’s yours, and collectively we can make it the number one International Islamic School in Indonesia.